
Friday, 31 May 2013

End of May (almost)

Well, possibly one or two more minor sessions today, but more or less a disappointing month, rescued only by being in Turkey for its beginning and a memorable trip around Bass Rock.

A cycle to work this morning produced no new species but was undoubtedly the day of the Starling. Close to my house 60 were feeding on a football field, 80+ were feeding in a field close by, 18 in the next square and at Merlin Drive another flock of 60 or so was flitting about, including a noisy low-level flypast where I was standing. In all these flocks there was a high ratio of juveniles not surprisingly - maybe 1:3 or more. I guess each two adults producing a clutch of 4-5. Given the cold spring that's a lot of food to have found, but they don't seem to have come to any grief.

No camera this morning, but here's a mobile phone shot from a walk last night around Carlingnose point.

And another from Hill of Beath looking over Dalbeath marsh LNR a couple of days ago

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