... is where I've been living most of this year with regards the Divit. I knew this would be the case, though, with most species encountered during autumn.winter where not encountered during the early part of the year. This probably means a very few species would have sneaked through in spring never to be recorded, but then that's always true anyway.
The harbour is starting to fill up - Redshanks and Black-headed Gulls notably present in increasing numbers along with a drip-drip-drip of Curlews.
A nearby Bridled Tern probably perched on my vismig spot before heading for Port Seton, but if it did I will never know!
The first Grey Wagtails also passed this morning a group of 3. It;s normal for the first passage Greys to come in early/mid July. Hopefuly it will be a cracking year for one of my favourite vis species.
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